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Join Women in Power

If we don’t get our cultural infrastructure right, we’ll have a very hard
time transforming our actual infrastructure—technology alone won’t fundamentally change our relationship with natural resources.

—Andrew Shapiro
Harvard Business Review Blog Network

Who We Are

The Women in Power initiative has pulled together a Leadership Advisory Committee comprised of men and women from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Their stories and their positions in the industry help to demonstrate, first hand, the success that anyone can achieve with a lot of hard work.

This leadership team is supported by mentors and role models who share their stories and share of themselves to help realize the potential of women in the power industry.

What We Do

PES Women in Power fosters a more diverse leadership by supporting the career advancement, networking and education of women in the energy industry. Our goal is not to simply increase the number of women in the power industry but to promote women into leadership positions as well.

Who We Serve

PES Women in Power serves ambitious, professional women in the power and energy industry who are looking for leadership positions and career advancement. The skills, networking and mentorship that are offered benefit women throughout the industry, whether they are engineers, attorneys, policy makers or accountants.

But this is not just for women. Anyone could benefit from the professional development offered and everyone is welcome to join.

How to Become a Member

Join PES Women in Power to help advance your career or to provide support to this initiative.
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Join Women in Power